Lights, camera, fashion MBPFW2016

"Lights, camera, fashion" bile su reči koje su me dočekale po ulasku u hotelsku sobu. Počinjem malo naopako pa preskačem onaj deo priče sa aerodromima, letovima, prvim letenjem i snalaženjem u tom moru novih informacija i osvrćem se na centar zbivanja - ja, u Pragu, na fashion week-u, u MAC bekstejdžu.
Kako? Ni sama još uvek ne znam. Sve se desilo tako brzo, ali onog trenutka kada me je Nana kontaktirala znala sam da ovo putovanje spada u "once in a lifetime" kategoriju te da moram da se snađem kako znam i umem da zaobiđem strašni sud i zakon bolonje kako bih sebi priuštila opravdani izostanak sa predavanja za realizaciju ovog putovanja.
Za mene je bila čast posmatrati revije zajedno sa MAC cosmetics timom. MAC je moj omiljeni brend i trudila sam se da se sa svakog putovanja vratim sa što većom zalihom šminke dok nije stigao kod nas.
U društvu divne Nane i kolegenice Ane koja stoji iza bloga Psychocouture prisustvovala sam revijama koje su bile na programu u subotu 19. marta nakon kojih smo imale priliku da popričamo sa sa dizajnerima koji stoje iza brenda La Formela i Jakubom Polankom kao i sa Nettom, glavnom MAC šminkerkom, koja nam je otkrila svoje omiljene MAC proizvode, trikove kojima se služi, najdraže lookove koje je radila kao i recept za svoju tajnu formulu Magic Mix.

"Lights, camera, fashion" were the words that welcomed me on my entering the hotel room. I'm beginning this entry a bit upside-down, so I'll skip the airports, flights, first flying and finding my way in that sea of information and I'll focus on the center of events – I, in Prague, on fashion week, in the MAC backstage. How? I myself don't quite know. It all happened so fast, but the moment Nana contacted me I knew that this trip would be one of those that belong in the "once in a lifetime" category, so I knew I had to find a way to circumvent the Last Judgement and the law of Bologna so that I can afford to be absent from the lectures in order to realize this trip. It was an honor for me to watch the fashion shows together with MAC cosmetics team. MAC is my favorite brand and, until they've opened a store in Belgrade I tried to return from each trip I made with as big a stockpile of makeup as I could. 
I attended the shows that were on Saurday, the 19th of March, in the great company of Nana and Ana, the owner of Psychocouture blog. After the shows we had an opportunity to talk with the designers behind the brand La Formela and Jakub Polanka, as well as with Netta, leading MAC makeup artist, when she told us what her favorite MAC products are, favorite looks she did, as well as a recipe for her secret Magic Mix formula. 

"Šta je bilo najteže kod lookova koje ste radili za ovaj fashion week?"
"Najteži deo je uvek konceptualni mejkap. Kao npr juče, na reviji Monike Drapalove, zastrašujuće vudu maske, a danas je to bio Chatty sa linijama. […] Kada na raspolaganju imate dvadeset ljudi i svako radi malo drugačije, a moramo završiti u roku od sat vremena. Nemamo vremena za korekcije, greške, za skidanje i ponovno šminkanje, malo je napeto. Ali znate, nekako uvek uspemo, nekim čudom uspemo, jer radimo kao pravi bekstejdž tim.[…]"

"Which was the hardest part of the makeup looks you did for this fashion week?" 
"The hardest part is always those conceptual makeups. Like yesterday, Drapalova, the scary voodoo masks, and today was the Chatty with the lines. […] When we have twenty people, then everybody goes a little different, and we need to complete it in one hour. We don't have time for corrections, for mistakes, to remove, to put on again, it's like, it's a little bit tense. But you know, somehow, we always make it happen in a miraculous way because we work as a team backstage. […] 

                         Monika Drapalova                                                    Chatty

"Koji vam je look bio najmanje drag?"
"Na internacionalnim fashion weekovima radimo probe dan ili dva pre revija. Na ovom fashion week-u u Pragu, probe radimo čak i do dve nedelje unapred. Tako da ako postoji nešto u šta nisam sigurna, uvek kažem dizajnerima. Ovo je moja treća sezona, dizajneri me dobro poznaju, kao i ja njih. Prilično sam svesna da to nije moja revija, ali želim da im pomognem da i kroz šminku prenesu istu poruku koju žele poslati preko svojih kreacija. Tako da ih uvek dobro saslušam, njihova reč je poslednja, i dajem predloge. Zato se nikada do sada nije desilo da nešto što mrzim, a "mrzeti" je jaka reč, postane krajnji look za reviju. Ako mi se ne dopada ja to uvek kažem, pa popričamo o tome, ne kažem uvek baš tim rečima: "Mrzim tu ideju", ali kažem da smatram da mi se čini kako je atmosfera koju su želeli preneti malo drugačija, da je priča drugačija..[…] To je jedna vrlo normalna, prijateljska diskusija."

"Which one was the least favorite?" 
"In international fashion weeks we do the makeup test one or two days before. Here, we do the makeup test maybe two weeks before. So if there's something I don't feel confident about or I have doubts about, then I always let them know. This is my third season. The designers know me, I know them. I'm very much aware that it's not my show, I wanna help them deliver the message that they want delivered through their fashion. So I'm always very attentive to what they want. The final word is theirs, it's not my show. But I make suggestions, so it never happens to me that something that I hate, which is a very strong word, goes on the runway. If I hate it then I say it. And we have a conversation: I don't say I hate it, but I say I think the mood is different than what you wanted to tell, the story's different. […] It's a discussion, it's very normal, healthy, friendly." 

"A da li dizajneri uglavnom prihvataju Vašu sugestiju?"
"Da, uvek nađemo kompromisno rešenje. To je vrlina makeup artista, moraš biti talentovani makup artist ali takođe moraš biti talentovan i za komunikaciju sa ljudima, moraš umeti da ih saslušaš. Kada odete u MAC prodavnicu i pričate sa ljudma, da biste bili dobar makeup artist, po mom mišljenju, morate da imate dobre komunikacione sposobnosti. Puno ljudi poseduje dobre tehnike, ali magija se krije u toj ličnosti, kada nekoga umete da saslušate tada ste zaslužili njihovo poverenje da i oni vas saslušaju."

"And do the designers accept it usually?" 
"Yes, we always find a way. That's the quality of makeup artists, yeah you need to be a good makeup artist, but you need to communicate well, you have to listen well. When you go to a MAC store and you speak with the people, like, when you are a good makeup artist, for me it's being good in communication. Because, so many people are good technically, but it's that magic, that personality, you listen, and then you earn respect to be heard as well. " 
"Koje su Vam omiljene karakteristike na licu koje šminkate?"
"Tako je sa MAC-om, mogu da se zaljubim svaki put. Imamo toliko puno kolekcija, toliko različitih proizvoda, mogu se zaljubiti u isticanje obrve, imam jako dobru tehniku, a proizvod koji koristim će mi dozvoliti da je upotrebim. Npr imamo olovku koju koristim, a kada je naprskam vodom imam mogućnost da još detaljnije istaknem obrvu pomoću četkice i odjednom to je sve što želim da radim. Zbog MAC-ove energije imam priliku da se svakoga dana zaljubim u nešto drugo. Obožavam da radim usta, senčenje obraza, možda je nešto što je najkarakterističnije za mene smokey eye. Ali uglavnom u donjem delu oka, kao da se topi. Postoji nešto u tom nanošenju olovke i senke u donji ugao oka i u senčenju, nekako to obožavam. Ali to definitivno može biti nešto drugo svakog puta."

"What are your favorite features on the face?" 
"That's the thing with MAC, because I fall in love every time, I make it a point to fall in love. We have so many collections, so many new products all the time, I can fall in love with doing an eyebrow because I have a really good technique, because the product will allow me to use that technique. Like, we have a pencil, for example, that I use. You spray it with water and then with the brush it really comes... suddenly this is all I want to do. Because of the energy of MAC every day I can fall in love with something different. I love doing lips, I love doing highlights, I love working on cheeks. Probably, my most recognizable makeup feature is lower, really low dark smokey eye. But it's only on the bottom part, it's like melting down. Something about putting the pencil in the waterline and blending downdowndown, having that brush sink into the lower socket, I just love that. But it can be something different every time." 

"Koji će trendovi biti najpopularniji u sledećoj sezoni?" 
"Govorimo o sledećoj zimi? Ovo je savršen trenutak da se postavi to pitanje. Kao što znate upravo smo završili sezonu fashion week-ova, a ono što vam mogu reći je da je ovo bila sezona šminke - previše šminke. Svaku reviju je pratila jaka šminka, a u prethodnoj sezoni smo imali dosta neutralnih tonova i look-ova. Tako da smatram da polako izlazimo iz neutralne faze i ponovo počinjemo da koristimo šminku kako bismo obukli lice."

"What about the next season's beauty trends?" 
"You're talking about next winter? It's a good time to ask that question because as you know, we just finished the fashion weeks, and the one thing I know just across the border, actually two things, one it's been a season of so much makeup. Every show was a big makeup and the season before we had a lot of natural bases. So I feel like a base is still very real, it's not overdone. […] So I think that we're a little bit past the neutral phase and we're using makeup again to dress the face." 

"Spomenuli ste MAC proizvode i njihovu upotrebu - kako to funkcioniše tačno?"
" U bekstejdžu radimo internacionalne look-ove. Tako da nekada neke proizvode uupotrebimo čak i do dve godine pre nego što se oni pojave na tržištu. Dosta razgovaramo sa ljudima koji prave MAC proizvode pa im tako dajemo sugestije i komentare o teksturama, pokrivnosti, bojama proizvoda. Npr ako imamo olovku za obrve, a čini nam se da njena boja previše vuče na crvene tonove, damo sugestiju da se napravi i neka varijanta čiji će tonovi više vući na sivkasto, pepeljasto plavo jer bismo takav proizod želeli da isprobamo. A nekad kada isprobamo nešto novo, kao kada kupac proba nešto novo, ne kažu nam kako se to koristi, daju nam tačnu instrukciju za šta je proizvod namenjen i kako bi trebalo da se koristi, a onda je na nama da se poigramo sa tim proizvodom i vidimo šta sve može. A koje je bolje mesto za igru sa proizvodima od ovog okruženja u kom se nalazim? Prosto je fascinantno, a naše mišljenje, mišljenje makeup artista igra zaista važnu ulogu, naš glas se sluša i vredi."

"I was wondering about the MAC products you mentioned finding out the use of it, like, how it works?" 
"At backstage we're doing the international collections. So we sometimes use products maybe two years before it gets to the consumer and we have a conversation with the product development and we comment about the texture, the finish, the coverage, the colors, like we had brow pencils, we thought all of them were a little bit too red so we had to ask for more ashy, grey colors so that's the kind of thing that we try. And sometimes when you try something new ,it's like when a customer tries something new, they don't tell us how to use it, they give us very brief instruction on what it is, what it does, and then you go and play with it. What better place to play with new products than this environment. It's fascinating. And your opinion as a makeup artist really matters, and you're being heard. […]" 

"Spomenuli ste nam neke trikove i kombinacije proizvoda koji odlično funkcionišu zajedno?"
"O Bože, da, postoji moj Magic Mix, #magicmix, što je nešto što je nastalo od moja tri omiljena proizvoda, ali ako ih koristite odvojeno, jedan za drugim, nekada niste sigurnim kojim tačno redosledom treba da ih nanesete, potrebno je dosta vremena da naučite kako da koristite svaki od ovih proizvoda. Tako je ovaj mix nastao iz tri MAC proizvoda a to su Fix +, softening lotion - MAC Lightful C i esencialnog ulja koje ćete pomešati u bočici fix+-a veličine putnog pakovanja."

"You told us about some tips and trick, combinations of products that work together?" 
"Oh my god. So yes, I have my Magic Mix (laughter) Hashtag Magic Mix. Which is really something that was born from three products I really love, but if I use them one after the other, it takes time, you're not sure in which order to use them. So this mix was created from three MAC products - that's fix plus which is iconic water moisturizer and softening lotion, which really works to hidrate the skin and 5 full droppers (not 5 drops) of essential oils if your mix is in the travel size fix+. "
Deo intervjua koji sam uspela snimiti možete pogledati ovde. Mislim da ovaj video vredi mnogo više od bilo kakvog mog objašnjavanja i prepričavanja, jer nema tih reči kojim bih mogla dovoljno dobro opisati posvećenost ovih ljudi i njihovu ljubav prema poslu kojim se bave. U nastavku posta možete naći fotgorafije koje smo Ana i ja napravile, a moj favorit od svih look-ova koje je Netta radila za ovaj fashion week je definitivno ovaj

The part of the interview I made you can see here. I think this video is more usefull than any of my words, because in it you will see how much these people love their jobs and the way they talk about it.  You can also see all the photos Ana and I made, and here I present to you my favorite makeup look from this fashion week
trenutno sam u toj nekoj zlatkasto-srebrnoj fazi pa me je ovaj look oduševio.
A takođe mi se jako dopao i ovaj 

curently I'm in some kind of goldish phase, so I loved it, but I also love this one
Posebno bih želela da se zahvalim Gabrieli koja stoji iza MAC tima Češke na toploj dobrodošlici i gostoprimstvu tokom trajanja celog fashion week-a. Više o mom outfit-u i Pragu moći ćete da vidite u narednom postu, 
a do tada vas pozdravljam.

Aslo I would love to thank Gabriela, from Czech MAC team, for a very warm welcome and hospitality during the whole fashion week.
More about my outfit and Prag aswell you could read in the next post, 
until than

Makeup for Jakub Polanka

Makeup for Chatty

Lukas Lindner

Lukas Lindner

Lukas Lindner


Lukáš Macháček 

Jakup Polanka

La Formela

Netta Szekely, MAC makeup artist



  1. Diiivno Alex :)
    Eh, šta su profesionalci. Obično mi se ne sviđa ta neobična šminka sa fw ali ovo je zaista urađeno vrhunski.

    Sjajno :*

    1. Hvala draga 😘
      Naravno, upravo to, nije svaki look bio ni po mom ukusu, ali tehnicka savrsenost se nikako ne moze osporiti 😉

  2. Kad voliš svoj posao sve je lako! Napravi i meni jedan magic mix, da imam u steku.😅☺

    1. Apsolutno 😊 Za tebe vec imam jedan, upravo u steku 😂✌🏻️

  3. Meni je ovaj post predivan :) zanimljiv pre svega a fotke su sjajne :)
