Pink cupcakes

Resila sam do dodam jos jednu temu na blog, obozavam hranu, pogotovo poslastice, volim da ih spremam i ukrasavam, a naravno jos vise volim da ih slatko pojedem :D
Ovoga puta su mi na meniju bili kapkejkovi.

Potrebni sastojci:
- Jogurt
- 4 jaja
- 1 casa secera (180g)
- 1 casa ulja
- 3 case brasna
- Prasak za pecivo
- Cokolada
- Visnje

Umutiti 4 jaja  i casu secera istovremeno, pa dodati 3 case brasna, casu ulja, prasak za pecivo i jogurt. Sjediniti lagano. Ako testo izgleda pregusto dodati malo mleka. Iseci cokoladu na kockice i dodati voce po zelji. Moj izbor su bile visnje. Sipati u modle i ostaviti da se pece na 180 stepeni dok ne promeni boju. Na kraju ukrasavati po zelji i potrebi. Ja sam zarko zelela da isprobam novi spric za slag, ali me ni slag a ni spric nisu bas slusali pa nije bas najsrecnije ispalo. Najvaznije je da su kapkejkovi bili preukusni, a losu dekoraciju su nadomestile ove predivne ruze i moje stare note iz davnih dana dok sam jos uvek svirala ;)
Do sledeceg posta,

I've decided to add one more topic to blog, I love food, especially desserts,I love baking and decorating them, and of course I like even more to eat them :D
This time cupcakes were on my menu.


- Yogurt
- 4 eggs
- 1 cup of sugar (180g)
- 1 cup of oil
- 3 cups of flour
- Baking powder
- Chocolate
- Cherries

Mix 4 eggs and a glass of sugar at the same time, than add 3 cups of flour, 1 cup of oil, baking powder and yogurt. If the batter seems too thick add a little milk. Cut the chocolate into small cubes and add fruit. My choice were cherries. Pour into molds and leave it to bake at 180 degrees. Then decorate them as you want. I wanted to try out the new syringe for 
cream, but it didn't turned out as well as I expected, maybe I'll have more luck next time. 
The most important thing is that they were delicious and these beautiful roses and my notes from the old days when I was still playing, made the decoration look even better.
Stay tuned,
with love



  1. So beautiful work!!! Now I'm hungry!!! Thank you for your comment at my blog, kisses,

  2. Gde si uzela korpice? Sve celokupno izgleda savrseno 😊👌

    1. Hvala draga 😘 U DM - u sam uzela korpice, divne su, ima ih i u drugim bojama 😉

  3. Replies
    1. Hvala, hvala, neku uspesniju varijantu donosim vama da probate ;)) <3
